Team Namibia arrived in Santiago de Compostela on Wednesday 4th May 2011 around 12.30pm, the tears flowed, the smiles were very wide, we all texted and phoned our arrival and waved like fools at the web-cam, we hugged and kissed and felt relieved that we had got there.
To sum up, the first ten days were good with Paul and the others. The middle was very tough for me personally, I could not have hung in there without Eileen and Rachel to get me through, the phone contact was expensive but so very necessary for me and my state of mind. As for the last ten days I was privileged to meet two ladies who had a goal to do the Camino, who cheered me up and inspired me though they say the opposite! Hedwig and Connie you are very special people I am so grateful that I had the good fortune to meet you and be part of Team Namibia. We will meet again, that is a promise. God Bless.
Hedwig, wat een indrukwekkende beschrijving van je aankomst in Santiago. Je beschrijft het heel intens. Gelukkig heeft de zegen die je vooraf hebt ontvangen je geholpen om goed op weg te gaan en behouden aan te komen. Je verhaal zal velen inspireren. Pastor C. van Lamoen, Gemert.